A project and exhibition with students of Aakademie für Handwerksdesign, Aachen and Brera Fine Art Academy, Milano

concept project design

The project „Abitare“ studies the envirorment of living spaces. rather in a phenomenological matter and with lust for experiments as visions with humor. the intention is a concerted piece of art (exhibition) where every piece of crafted design would find its own role.To avoid the idea of typical images of living spaces we choose space and shape constallations that would allow a rather abstract concept of living. the exhibition does not demand to represent a specific apartment or space of living. the works should be understood as fragments and playful ideas of individual sense. thus the project is designed more as a field of questions and less as traditional solutions for modern living spaces.


<< A workshop about interdisciplinarity and intergenerational, suggesting a mutuality of purpose between art and design. An intersection crossing and strengthen the creative activities, generating overlays of languages, which set in motion new product models subverting the original functions and new attitudes towards different ways of doing.Art and design come together to create a series of magnetism that multiply the voices offering a new and contagious form of beauty. >> Space and structure of the exhibition design are supposed to appear somewhat fluent, and in an ambivalent sense intimate and open at the same time.The walls of the exhibition architecture are also designed by economical intentions and achieve high stability because of its shape – even with thin materials.

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